Coed Arena - McNabb Rules
Administrative Regulations
•All players must complete a waiver form to play.
•Players that are under the age of 18 must have their waiver form completed by a parent or guardian. Violation of this rule could result in suspension/legal charges.
•Deposits and registration fees are non-refundable.
•Games always have a white team and a black team; therefore, you will need both a black and a white shirt for the season. (No Grey!). Please verify the website weekly for your team color. Failure to meet this requirement can result in players being removed from the game.
•Although not mandatory, we strongly suggest the use of helmets, hockey gloves, a mouth guard, shin pads, elbow pads and a protective cup for your own safety.
•Any player under the age of 18 must wear full face protection (cage or bubble).
*Unless specified below, all references to players, include goalies.
•Teams require a minimum of 5 players to start a game.
•If a goalie gets injured during a game, the team has 5 minutes to find a replacement. Failure to do so will result in the team playing with 6 runners.
•As this is a draft league, spares must be from within this specific league. No outside spares are permitted. Players that are sparing must be the same level as the player they are replacing. Rankings are established at the draft and must be followed.
•Players must be replaced in the playoffs. Failure to do so will result in a team playing shorthanded, exact details to be communicated to captains.
•Rankings are no longer valid in the playoffs. Spares must be requested and approved through the league.
•The spare will be a downgrade of the player they are replacing.
•Only the team captain is permitted to communicate with the referee’s and the scorekeeper.
•The format is 5 on 5, plus goalies. A minimum of 2 female runners must be on the floor during regular play.
•Teams are to remain on the same side/bench for the entire game. If a team wants to change at the intermission due to an advantage, they must request it with an official before the start of the second half.
•Games will consist of two 16-minute (stop time) periods. A short intermission will be provided in between periods.
•Each team has one timeout per game.
•If there is a 5-goal difference with 5 minutes or less in the game, the clock will continue to run.
•If a team gets a (10) goal lead at any point during a game, the game is officially over by mercy. Teams who wish to use their half of the floor for the remaining time can do so, but must vacate the floor 10 minutes prior to the start of the next game.
•The scorekeeper holds the right to change the clock to run time to ensure we stay on schedule. Should this take place, both teams will be notified.
•If the referee is unsure of a goal or penalty, they can consult the scorekeeper at their own discretion.
•The scorekeeper can stop a game to speak with a referee and a call can be reversed after such discussion.
•If a regular season game ends in a tie, we go directly to a two-player shootout, one guy and one girl per team will shoot.
•If still tied after the two shooters, the team who scored first in the game decides if they shoot or defend in the "final shot". If the game was scoreless, we will randomly select a team.
•A player that shot in the shootout, is permitted to shoot in the “final shot”.
•The final shot determines the winner of the game, based on the one play. If the player scores, their team gets the win, however, if the player does not score, the goalie's team gets the win.
•In a playoff game, sudden death overtime will be played, stop time, 5 on 5 for 7 minutes. If still tied, we move on to a 2-player shootout (1M/1F). If still tied after the 2-player shootout, we move on to a sudden death shootout in order, Male shoots first, if not resloved, a Female shoots, etc. (No one can shoot twice). If still not resolved after everyone has shot, we move to the "final shot".
•If point standings are tied after the regular season, we will rank in this order:
-Total points in head-to-head matchups
-Goal differential
-Goal against
-Goal for
-Least amount of team penalty minutes
If three or more teams are tied, the total points in head-to-head matchups are not considered. Wins is the first tie breaker, followed by goal differential, etc.
• In this league, only the top teams will qualify for the playoffs. The bottom two teams will play in each other in a consolation game.
•Icing is non-touch and called from inside your own blue line instead of the red line. If the goalie leaves his crease, the icing will be waived off. Players are permitted to change on an icing.
•The offside rule is same as the NHL, however, we implement the floating blue line. Once a player has moved the ball over the offensive blue line, the blue line disappears and the attacking zone increases in size to the centre red line. In other words, the ball remains on-side until it crosses the centre red line, not the blue line.
•Hand passes are permitted as long as they are received inside your defensive blue line.
•If a ball leaves the playing area after hitting the post or a crossbar, the face-off will remain in the offensive zone.
•Faceoffs following penalties will be in the offending team’s zone, unless penalties are off setting.
•If the play is stopped due to an injury, the injured player must leave the floor.
•All netting is live throughout the arena. The play will stop if the ball hits any part of the ceiling or anything out of bounds behind the benches, scorekeeper or penalty box area.
We will follow NHL penalty guidelines with a few exceptions noted below.
Minors = 2:00 minutes
Any stick blade above your shoulders during the wind up or follow through on a shot.
Any stick above your shoulders that makes contact with the ball.
Diving or sliding which interferes with a player or is deemed dangerous, whether or not the ball was touched first.
If a goalie leaves their crease to get involved in an altercation.
Double Minors = 4:00 minutes
Any high stick that makes contact with another player.
Head contact, including face wash.
Any minor penalty deemed by the ref to be excessive and not warranting a major/match penalty.
Major/Match penalty = 5:00 minutes
Any penalty in which the ref deems excessive, intent to injure or a reckless play, includes accidental.
Players who are assessed a major penalty automaticly receive a game miscounduct. The penalty must be served by a player on the floor.
Misconduct = 10:00 minutes
Player will serve the misconduct in the penalty box; however, the team is not shorthanded.
Game/Gross Misconduct
Players who are assessed a game/gross misconduct are ejected from the game and could face further discipline. A player who gets ejected must leave the floor and bench area. Failure to do so can result in a bench penalty and/or further discipline.
•Any player which receives 3 penalties in one game is ejected from the game. Minor high stick penalties do not count towards the 3-penalty rule. Double minors count as one penalty towards the player, unless stated otherwise by the referee. A delayed penalty or a penalty shot counts as a penalty against the offending player.
•Any player that comes off the bench will receive a 2 minute bench minor and game misconduct.
•If a referee awards a penalty shot, the player fouled must take the penalty shot unless injured. If injured, the player taking the shot must have been on the floor.
•No delay of game penalties will be assessed if the ball leaves the playing area, however, referees can assess a delay of game penalty towards any action deemed intentional.
Suspensions, Fines and more
•The league will assess suspensions, fines and expulsions when required to maintain the integrity of the league and for everyone’s safety. These are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and the league has the final decision in each case. Fines are enforced as a deterrent and the fine money collected will be used to reward fair play.
•When a suspension is assessed, it applies to all HTBHL leagues, therefore, you cannot play HTBHL until the full suspension is served.
•All major/match penalties and game/gross misconducts come with a $20 team fine and an automatic league review to determine if further action is required.
•If any player receives a combination of 2 game ejections/misconducts in one season they will be automatically suspended for 1 game and fined $20. The following ejection/misconduct could result in further discipline including being suspended for the remainder of the season.
•All fines must be paid before the following game.
•Should a game be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, the league will attempt to reschedule the game. If it can’t be rescheduled, no refunds will be issued.
•Both referees or the league can cancel a game due to a player’s behavior and such could result in a loss for that team.
•Players are responsible for themselves and their spectators.
•The league holds the right to expel players that don’t abide to our rules and regulations.
•All actions taken on or against the facility property before, during or after games can also result in league suspensions/fines/expulsion.
•Use of Illicit drugs and/or alcohol is prohibited on all of the facilities property. Any player who is suspected of being intoxicated, by the league, officials or facility staff must leave the premises immediately, and can result in league suspensions/fines/expulsion.